60th Class Reunion - Sycamore, Friday/Saturday August 16,17 2024. Contact Jayna

Spotlight On:


  Peter L Johnson - Coach, Educator, Mentor

  Pete Johnson is a legend at Sycamore High School. He is probably best known as for the many championship football teams he coached but many of his greatest achievements did not occur on the football field. He was a highly respected educator and advocate for innovative programs, particularly in vocational education, gaining both state and national recognition. Coach Johnson lived his whole life in Sycamore and never stopped giving back to the community. His many contributions and successes are too numerous to list here but I encourage you to read about them from his Obiturary, available here. Despite his many fields of interest, Pete never lost site of dealing with individuals. Respected by all, he was a mentor to so many students whom he coached and taught, and to the community which he served. He will be missed and he will be remembered.

Of the Class, By the Class, For the Class

This website is intended for the use of all members of our class to communicate with each other and stay in contact. We hope you will find it useful for whatever your needs. It will remain active for as long as you keep it active.

Let me have your suggestions to add or improve it. If you are skilled in web design or just want to learn, let me know and I will be happy to try and include you, to share the "wealth" so to speak.

Quick Links: Send me some photos and we'll include them on a photo gallery - photos can be vintage or current. We've been whittling away at our list of lost classmates. If you are in contact with any lost classmate, please have them contact us. And PLEASE let us know of any corrections to the deceased classmates page. We want to offer each classmate an opportunity for a bio-sketch to share information about themselves, including a photo or two, with other classmates. Click on the link for instructions on how to submit one for yourself. All bio-sketches will be password protected.

Finally, most communications will be by email. If you haven't already, you are encouraged to send us your email address and join our class email list. If you prefer to get your information by mail, you must tell us; otherwise you may miss out on future communications and events. We don't want that to happen!

Class Notes

Class Motto:   An aim in life is a fortune worth finding

Class Flower:   Carnation

Class Colors:   Pink & White

Class Size:   166

Class Officers

Contact Webmaster, Chad, at "swedtex at austin.rr.com"

Ernie Banks was my childhood hero